「花散里(The Orange Blossoms)」の和歌

和歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 おち返りえぞ忍ばれぬほととぎすほの語らひし宿の垣根に Back at the fence where once it sang so briefly,
The cuckoo is impelled to sing again.
2 ほととぎす言問ふ声はそれなれどあなおぼつかなさみだれの空 It seems to be a cuckoo we knew long ago.
But alas, under rainy skies we cannot be sure.
3 橘の香をなつかしみほととぎす花散る里をたづねてぞとふ It catches the scent of memory, and favors
The village where the orange blossoms fall.
4 人目なく荒れたる宿はたちばなの花こそ軒のつまとなりけれ The orange blossoms at the eaves have brought you
To a dwelling quite forgotten by the world.
