「蓬生(The Wormwood Patch)」の和歌

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 たゆまじき筋を頼みし玉かづら思ひのほかにかけはなれぬる I had counted upon them not to slacken or give,
These jeweled strands—and far off now they are borne.
2 玉かづら絶えてもやまじゆく道の手向の神もかけて誓はむ The jeweled strands may snap, but I swear by the gods,
The gods of the road, that I will not cast them off.
3 亡き人を恋ふる袂のひまなきに荒れたる軒のしづくさへ添ふ My sleeves still wet from tears for him who died
Are wetter yet from rain through ruined eaves.
4 たづねともわれこそとはめ道もなく深きのもとの心を Myself will I break a path through towering weeds
And ask: does a constant spirit dwell within?
5 藤浪のうち過ぎがたく見えつるはまつこそ宿のしるしなりけれ I obey the waving summons of wisteria
Because it flows, at your gate, from the waiting tree.
6 年を経てまつしるしなきわが宿を花のたよりにすぎぬばかりか I have waited and waited, to no avail, it seems.
Wisteria, not the waiting pine, has brought you.
