「松風(The Wind in the Pines)」の和歌.
和 歌 | サイデンステッカーさんの英訳 | |
1 | ゆくさきをはるかに祈るわかれ路にたえぬは老いの涙なりけり | The old weep easily. and I am weeping As I pray that for her the happy years stretch on. |
2 | もろともにみやこは出できこのたびやひとり野中のみちにまどはん | Together we left the city. Alone I return, To wander lost over hill and over moor? |
3 | いきてまたあひ見むことをいつとてか限りもしらぬ世をばたのまむ | When do you say that we shall meet again, Trusting a life that is not ours to trust? |
4 | かの岸に心よりにしあま舟のそむきしかたにこぎかへる哉 | I want to be a fisherwife upon A far, clean shore, and now my boat turns back. |
5 | いくかへりゆきかふ秋をすぐしつつうき木にのりてわれかへるらん | How many autumns now upon this strand? So many, why should this flotsam now return? |
6 | 身をかへてひとりかへれる山ざとに聞きしにたる松風ぞふく | I have returned alone, a nun, to a mountain village, And hear the wind in the pines of long ago. |
7 | ふる里に見しよのともをこひわびてさえづることをたれかわくらん | I long for those who know the country sounds, And listen to my koto, and understand. |
8 | すみなれし人はかへりてたどれども清水は宿のあるじ顔なる | The mistress, long gone, is lost upon her return To find that the brook has quite usurped her claims. |
9 | いさらゐははやくにことも忘れじをもとのあるじや面がはりせる | Clean waters, bringing back the distant past To one who comes to them in somber habit. |
10 | 契りしに変はらぬことの調べにて絶えぬ心のほどは知りきや | Unchanged it is when now we meet again. And do you not see changelessness in me? |
11 | 変はらじと契りしことをたのみにて松のひびきに音をそへしかな | Your promise not to change was my companion. I added my sighs to those of the wind in the pines. |
12 | 月のそむ川のをちなる里なればかつらのかげはのどけかるらむ | Cleaner, more stately the progress of the moon Through regions beyond the river Katsura. |
13 | ひさかたのひかり近き名のみしてあさゆふ霧も晴れぬ山里 | It Is not true to its name, this Katsura. There is not moon enough to dispel the mists. |
14 | めぐり来て手にとるばかりさやけきや淡路の島のあはと見し月 | So near and clear tonight, is it the moon Of far Awaji? We both have come back. |
15 | うき雲にしばしまがひし月かげのすみはつるよぞのどけかるべき | All should now be peace. Then lost in clouds The moon sends forth again its radiance. |
16 | 雲のうへのすみかをすててよはの月いづれの谷にかげ隠しけむ | The midnight moon should still be in the heavens. Gone is its radiance—-hidden in what valley? |