「玉鬘(The Jeweled Chaplet)」の和歌
和 歌 | サイデンステッカーさんの英訳 | |
1 | 舟人もたれを恋ふとか大島のうらがなしげに声の聞こゆる | To whom might it be that the thoughts of these sailors turn, Sadly singing off the Oshima strand? |
2 | 来しかたも行くゑも知らぬ沖に出でてあはれいづくに君を恋ふらん | To whom might it be that the thoughts of these sailors turn, Sadly singing off the Oshima strand? |
3 | 君にもし心たがはば松浦なる鏡の神をかけて誓はむ | I vow to the Mirror God of Matsura: If I break it he can do what he wants with me. |
4 | 年を経て祈る心のたがひなば鏡の神をつらしとや見む | It will be for us to reproach the Mirror God If our prayers of so many years remain unanswered. |
5 | 浮嶋を漕ぎ離れても行く方やいづくとまりと知らずもあるかな | Shores of trial, now gloomy Ukishima. On we sail. Where next will be our lodging? |
6 | 行く先も見えぬ浪路に舟出して風にまかする身こそうきたれ | We sail vast seas and know not where we go Floating ones, abandoned to the winds. |
7 | うきことに胸のみさはぐひびきにはひびきの灘もさはらざりけり | The echoes of Echo Bay are slight and empty Beside the tumult I hear within myself. |
8 | 二もとの杉のたちどを尋ねずはふる河のべに君を見ましや | Had I not come to the place of cedars twain, How should I have met you here beside the old river? |
9 | 初瀬河はやくの事は知らねどもけふのあふ瀬に身さへながれぬ | I know little, I fear, about the swift old river, But I know the flow of tears of happiness. |
10 | 知らずとも尋ねて知らむ三島江に生ふる三稜の筋は絶えじを | You may not know, but presently you will, Where leads the line of rushes at Mishimae. |
11 | 数ならぬ三稜やなにの筋なればうきにしもかく根をとどめけむ | You speak of lines and rushes—and by what line Has this poor rush taken root in this sad world? |
12 | 恋ひわたる身はそれなれど玉かづらいかなる筋を尋ね来つらむ | With unabated longing I sought the other. What lines have drawn me to the jeweled chaplet? |
13 | きてみればうらみられけり唐衣かへしやりてん袖をぬらして | Tearfully I don this Chinese robe. And having dampened its sleeves, I now return it. |
14 | 返さむといふにつけても片敷の夜の衣を思ひこそやれ | 'Return,' you say—-ah, 'turn,' I see you mean, Your Chinese robe, prepared for lonely slumber. |
※ | 7首目 大島本=「さはらざりけり」 大正大学写本=「なのみ也けり」 青表紙本系「肖柏本」=「なのみ也けり」 河内本=「なのみなりけり」 別本系「陽明家本」「麥生本」「阿里莫本」=「なのみなりけり」 |