「初音(The First Warbler)」の和歌
和 歌 | サイデンステッカーさんの英訳 | |
1 | うす氷とけぬる池の鏡には世にくもりなき影ぞならべる | The mirror of this lake, now freed from ice. Offers an image of utter peace and calm. |
2 | くもりなき池の鏡によろづ代をすむべき影ぞしるく見えける | Upon the cloudless mirror of this lake, Clear is the image, for ten thousand years. |
3 | 年月をまつにひかれてふる人にけふ鶯の初音きかせよ | The old one's gaze rests long on the seedling pine, Waiting to hear the song of the first warbler, |
4 | ひきわかれ年は経れども鶯の巣立ちし松の根を忘れめや | The warbler left its nest long years ago, But cannot forget the roots of the waiting pine. |
5 | めづらしや花のねぐらに木づたひて谷のふる巣をとへる鶯 | Such happiness! The warbler among the blossoms Calls across the glen to its old nest. |
6 | ふる里の春のこずゑに尋きて世のつねならぬ花を見るかな | I stop to look at the groves of my old village, And the blossom I see reminds me of a safflower. |