
和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 風吹けば波の花さへ色見えてこや名に立てる山吹の崎 The breezes blow, the wave flowers brightly blossom.
Will it be the Cape of Yamabuki?
2 春の池や井手の川瀬にかよふらん岸の山吹そこもにほへり Is this the lake where flows the River of Ide, †
That yamabuki should plunge into its depths?
3 亀の上の山もたづねじ舟のうちに老いせぬ名をばこゝに残さむ There is no need to visit Turtle Mountain. ‡
'Ageless' shall be the name of our pleasure boats.
4 春の日のうらゝにさしてゆく舟はさほのしづくも花ぞ散りける Our boats row out into the bright spring sun,
And water drops from the oars like scattering petals.
5 むらさきのゆへに心をしめたればふちに身投げん名やはおしけき Lavender holds me and puts me in mind of things.
I mean, let them say what they will, to throw myself in.
6 ふちに身を投げつべしやとこの春は花のあたりを立ち去らで見よ Please hold yourself In abeyance beneath these flowers,
To judge if the plunge would have the proper effect.
7 花園の胡蝶をさへや下草に秋まつ虫はうとく見るらむ Low in your grasses the cricket awaits the autumn
And views with scorn these silly butterflies.
8 こてふにも誘はれなまし心ありて八重山吹を隔てざりせば I weep in my longing to follow your butterflies.
You put up fences of yamabuki between us.
9 思ふとも君は知らじなわきかへり岩漏る水に色し見えねば You cannot know how deep my feelings are.
Their colors are hidden, like waters among the rocks.
10 ませのうちに根ふかくうへし竹の子のをのが世ゝにや生ひわかるべき The bamboo so firmly rooted within our hedges
Will send out distant shoots to please its convenience?
11 いまさらにいかならむ世か若竹の生いはじめけむ根をばたづねん Why should the young bamboo at this late date
Go forth in search of roots it has left behind,
12 たちばなのかほりし袖によそふればかはれる身とも思ほえぬかな Scented by orange blossoms long ago,
The sleeve she wore is surely the sleeve you wear.
13 袖の香をよそふるからにたちばなのみさへはかなくなりもこそすれ The sleeve bears the scent of that blossom long ago.
Then might not the fruit as quickly vanish away?
14 うちとけてねも見ぬものを若草のことあり顔に結ぼほるらむ Although I scarcely saw the tender grasses,
They look as if I had tied them all in knots.
