「帚木(The Broom Tree)」の和歌

              和 歌 口語訳       サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 手をおりてあひ見し事をかぞふればこれひとつやは君がうきふし I count them over, the many things between us.
One finger does not, alas, count the sum of your failures.
2 うきふしを心ひとつにかぞへきてこや君が手をわかるべきおり I have counted them up myself, be assured, my failures.
For one bitten finger must all be bitten away?
3 琴の音も月もえならぬ宿ながらつれなき人を引きやとめける Uncommonly fine this house, for moon, for koto.
Does it bring to itself indifferent callers as well?
4 木枯らしに吹きあはすめる笛の音を引きとゞむべきことの葉ぞなき No match the leaves for the angry winter winds.
Am I to detain the flute that joins those winds?
5 山がつの垣ほ荒るともおりおりにあはれはかけよなでしこの露 The fence of the mountain rustic may fall to the ground.
Rest gently. O dew, upon the wild carnation.
6 咲きまじる色はいづれとわかねども猶常夏にしくものぞなき No bloom in this wild array would I wish to slight.
But dearest of all to me is the wild carnation.
7 うちはらふ袖も露けきとこなつにあらし吹きそふ秋も来にけり Dew wets the sleeve that brushes the wild carnation.
The tempest rages. Now comes autumn too.
8 さゝがにのふるまひしるき夕暮れにひるま過ぐせと言ふがあやなさ The spider must have told you I would come.
Then why am I asked to keep company with garlic?
9 逢ふことの夜をし隔てぬ中ならばひるまも何かまばゆからまし Were we two who kept company every night,
What would be wrong with garlic in the daytime?
10 つれなきをうらみもはてぬしのゝめにとりあへぬまでおどろかすらむ Why must they startle with their dawn alarums
When hours are yet required to thaw the ice?
11 身のうさを嘆くにあかで明くる夜はとりかさねてぞねも泣かれける Day has broken without an end to my tears,
To my cries of sorrow are added the calls of the cocks.
12 見し夢をあふ夜ありやと嘆くまに目さへあはでぞころも経にける I yearn to dream again the dream of that night.
The nights go by in lonely wakefulness.
13 はゝき木の心を知らで園原の道にあやなくまどひぬるかな I wander lost in the Sonohara moorlands,
For I did not know the deceiving ways of the broom tree.
14 数ならぬ伏屋に生ふる名のうさにあるにもあらず消ゆるはゝ木ゝ Here and not here. I lie in my shabby hut.
Would that I might like the broom tree vanish away.
