「藤裏葉(Wisteria Leaves)」の和歌
和 歌 | サイデンステッカーさんの英訳 | |
1 | わがやどの藤の色こきたそかれにたづねやはこぬ春のなごりを | Come join me in regrets for the passing of spring And wisteria now aglow in the evening light. |
2 | 中中に折やまどはむ藤の花たそかれどきのたどたどしくは | I grope my way through the gathering shades of evening With no great hopes of coming upon wisteria. |
3 | 紫にかことはかけむ藤の花まつよりすぎてうれたけれども | Let us blame the wisteria, of too pale a hue, Though the pine has let itself be overgrown. |
4 | 幾かへり露けき春をすぐしきて花のひもとくをりにあふらん | Tears have obscured the blossoms these many springs, And now at length they open full before me. |
5 | たをやめの袖にまがへる藤の花見る人からや色もまさらむ | Wisteria is like the sleeve of a maiden. Lovelier when someone cares for it. |
6 | 浅き名をいひながしける川くちはいかゞもらしし関のあらがき | So shallow a river, flowing out to sea. Why did so stout a fence permit it to pass? |
7 | もりにけるくきたの関を川くちの浅きにのみはおほせざらなん | Shallowness was one, but only one, Among the traits that helped it pass the barrier. |
8 | とがむなよ忍びにしぼる手もたゆみけふあらはるゝ袖のしづくを | Do not reprove me for the dripping sleeves The whole world sees. I weary of wringing them dry. |
9 | なにとかやけふのかざしよかつ見つゝおぼめくまでもなりにけるかな | This sprig of—what is it called?—this sprig in my cap. So long it has been, I cannot think of the name. |
10 | かざしてもかつたどらるゝ草の名は桂をおりし人や知るらん | The scholar armed with laurel should know its name. He wears it, though he may not speak of it. |
11 | あさみどりわか葉の菊を露にても濃きむらさきの色とかけきや | Did you suspect by so much as a mist of dew That the azure bloom would one day be a deep purple? |
12 | ふた葉より名立たる園の菊なればあさき色わく露もなかりき | What mist of dew could possibly fail to find it, Though pale its hue, in so eminent a garden? |
13 | なれこそは岩もるあるじ見し人のゆくゑは知るや宿の真清水 | Clearest of brooks, you guard these rocks, this house. Where has she gone whose image you once reflected? |
14 | なき人のかげだに見えずつれなくて心をやれるいさらゐの水 | We see the image no more. How is it that These pools among the rocks yet seem so happy? |
15 | そのかみの老い木はむべも朽ちぬらむうへし小松も苔生ひにけり | The ancient pine is gone. That need not surprise us— For see how gnarled and mossy is its seedling. |
16 | いづれをも陰とぞ頼む二葉より根ざしかはせる松のすゑすゑ | I now am shaded by two splendid trees Whose roots were intertwined when they were seedlings. |
17 | 色まさるまがきの菊もをりをりに袖うちかけし秋を恋ふらし | Though time has deepened the hue of the bloom at the hedge, I do not forget how sleeve brushed sleeve that autumn. |
18 | むらさきの雲にまがへる菊の花にごりなき世の星かとぞ見る | A purple cloud is this chrysanthemum, A beacon star which shines upon us all. |
19 | 秋をへて時雨ふりぬる里人もかゝる紅葉のをりをこそ見ね | This aged peasant has known many autumn showers And not before seen finer autumn colors. |
20 | 世の常の紅葉とや見るいにしへのためしにひける庭の錦を | Think you these the usual autumn colors? Our garden brocade imitates an earlier one. |