「若菜 上(New Herbs  Part One)」の和歌

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 さしながらむかしをいまにつたふれば玉の小櫛ぞ神さびにける I fear these little combs are scarred and worn.
I have used them to summon back an ancient day.
2 さしつぎに見る物にもがよろづ世をつげの小櫛の神さぶるまで I only hope that she may be as you,
All through the myriad years of the boxwood comb.
3 若葉さす野辺の小松を引きつれてもとの岩根をいのるけふかな I come to pray that the rock may long endure
And I bring with me the seedling pines from the field.
4 小松原末のよはひに引かれてや野辺の若菜も年をつむべき Long shall be the life of the seedling pines—
To add to the years of the herbs brought in from the fields?
5 目に近く移ればかはる世の中を行すゑとをくたのみけるかな I had grown so used to thinking it would not change.
And now, before my very eyes, it changes.
6 命こそ絶ゆとも絶えめさだめなき世の常ならぬ中の契を Life must end. It is a transient world.
The one thing lasting is the bond between us.
7 中道をへだつるほどはなけれども心みだるゝけさのあわ雪 Not heavy enough to block the way between us.
The flurries of snow this morning yet distress me.
8 はかなくてうはの空にぞ消えぬべき風にたゞよふ春のあわ雪 You do not come I fain would disappear,
A veil of snow upon the rough spring winds.
9 背きにしこの世にのこる心こそ入る山道のほだしなりけれ Deep into these mountains I would go,
But thoughts of one I leave still pull me back.
10 背く世のうしろめたくはさりがたきほだしをしゐてかけなはなれそ If your thoughts are upon the world you leave behind,
You should not make a point of cutting your ties.
11 年月を中にへだてて逢坂のさもせきがたく落つる涙か So many years, and we meet at Meeting Barrier.
A barrier it remains, but not to my tears.
12 涙のみせきとめがたき清水にて行あふ道ははやく絶えにき Though tears may flow as the spring at Meeting Hill,
The road between us was long ago blocked off.
13 沈みしも忘れぬものをこりずまに身もなげつべきやどの藤なみ I have not forgotten the depths into which I plunged,
And now these waves of wisteria seek to engulf me.
14 身を投げんふちもまことのふちならでかけじやさらにこりずまの浪 No waves at all of which to be so fearful.
My heart, unchastened, sends out waves to join them.
15 身に近く秋やきぬらん見るまゝに青葉の山もうつろひにけり I detect a change in the green upon the hills.
Is autumn coming to them? Is it coming to me?
16 水鳥の青葉は色もかはらぬを萩の下こそけしきことなれ No change do we see in the white of the waterfowl.
Not so constant the lower leaves of the hagi.
17 老の波かひある浦にたち出でてしほたるゝあまをたれかとがめむ Old waves come upon a friendly shore.
A nun's sleeves dripping brine—who can object?
18 しほたるゝあまを浪路のしるべにてたづねも見ばや浜の苫屋を The weeping nun must take me over the waves
To the reed-roofed cottage there upon the strand.
19 世を捨てて明石の浦にすむ人も心の闇ははるけしもせじ An old man leaves the world, and in his heart
Is darkness yet, * there on the Akashi strand.
20 光出でんあか月ちかくなりにけりいまぞ見し世の夢がたりする The dawn is at hand. The radiance soon will pour forth.
I turn from it to speak of an ancient dream.
21 いかなれば花に木伝ふ鴬の桜をわきてねぐらとはせぬ The generous warbler, moving from tree to tree.
Neglects the cherry alone among them all.
22 深山木にねぐらさだむるはこ鳥もいかでか花の色にあくべき The cuckoo building its nest in mountain depths
Does not, be assured, neglect the cherry blossom.
23 よそに見ておらぬなげきはしげれどもなごり恋しき花の夕かげ The trees of sorrow seem denser from near at hand.
And my yearning grows for those blossoms in the twilight.
24 いまさらに色にな出でそ山桜をよばぬ枝に心かけきと Do not let it be known. I pray of you,
That your eye has fallen on the mountain cherry.
