「若菜 下(New Herbs Part Two)」の和歌
和 歌 | サイデンステッカーさんの英訳 | |
1 | 恋わぶる人のかたみと手ならせばなれよなにとてなく音なるらむ | You are here to remind me of someone I long for, and what is it you long for yourself? |
2 | たれか又心を知りて住吉の神世をへたる松にこととふ | You and I remember—and who else? Only we can address these godly pines. |
3 | 住の江をいけるかひあるなぎさとは年ふるあまもけふや知るらん | The aged fisherwife knows as not before That Sumiyoshi is a place of joy. |
4 | むかしこそまづ忘られね住吉の神のしるしを見るにつけても | It is a day I never shall forget. This god of Sumiyoshi brings me joy. |
5 | 住の江の松に夜深くをく霜は神のかけたる木綿鬘かも | So white these pines with frost in the dead of night. Bedecked with sacred strands by the god himself? |
6 | 神人の手にとりもたる榊葉に木綿かけそふるふかき夜の霜 | Deep in the night the frost has added strands To the sacred branches with which we make obeisance. |
7 | 祝り子が木綿うちまがひをく霜はげにいちしるき神のしるしか | So white the frost, one takes it for sacred strands And sees in it a sign of the holy blessing. |
8 | おきてゆく空も知られぬあけぐれにいづくの露のかかる袖なり | I arise and go forth in the dark before the dawn. I know not where, nor whence came the dew on my sleeve. |
9 | あけぐれの空にうき身は消えななん夢なりけりと見てもやむべく | Would I might fade away in the sky of dawn, And all of it might vanish as a dream. |
10 | くやしくぞつみをかしけるあふひ草神のゆるせるかざしならぬに | In secret, without leave, she brings this heartvine, A most lamentable thing, a blasphemous thing. |
11 | もろかづら落葉をなににひろひけむ名はむつましきかざしなれども | Laurel branches twain, so near and like. Why was it that I took the fallen leaf? |
12 | わが身こそあらぬさまなれそれながら空おぼれするきみは君也。 | I am horribly changed, and you pretend not to know me. You are the same. |
13 | 消えとまるほどやは経べきたまさかにはちすの露のかかる許を | It is a life in which we cannot be sure Of lasting as long as the dew upon the lotus. |
14 | 契をかむこの世ならでもはちす葉に玉ゐる露の心へだつな | To be as close as the drops of dew on the lotus Must be our promise in this world and the next. |
15 | 夕露に袖ぬらせとやひぐらしの鳴くを聞く聞くおきて行らむ | The voice of the evening cicada says you must leave. 'Be moist with evening dews,' you say to my sleeves? |
16 | 待つ里もいかゞ聞くらんかたかたに心さはがすひぐらしの声 | How do you think it sounds in yonder village, The cicada that summons me there and summons me here? |
17 | あまの世をよそに聞かめや須磨の浦に藻塩たれしもたれならなくに | I should not care that now you are a nun? My sleeves were wet at Suma—because of you! |
18 | あま舟にいかゞは思ひをくれけん明石の浦にいさりせし君 | How comes it that the fisherman of Akashi Has let the boat make off to sea without him? |