「柏木(The Oak Tree)」の和歌 

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 いまはとて燃えむ煙もむすぼほれ絶えぬ思ひのなをや残らむ My thoughts of you: will they stay when I am gone
Like smoke that lingers over the funeral pyre?
2 立ち添ひて消えやしなましうきことを思ひみだるる煙くらべに I wish to go with you, that we may see
Whose smoldering thoughts last longer, yours or mine.
3 行くゑなき空の煙となりぬとも思ふあたりを立ちは離れじ As smoke I shall rise uncertainly to the heavens,
And yet remain where my thoughts will yet remain.
4 たが世にか種はまきしと人とはばいかがいはねの松はこたへん Should someone come asking when the seed was dropped,
What shall it answer, the pine among the rocks?
5 時しあればかはらぬ色ににほひけりかたへ枯れにし宿の桜も Although a branch of this cherry tree has withered,
It bursts into new bloom as its season comes.
6 この春は柳の芽にぞ玉はぬく咲き散る花の行くゑ知らねば The willow shoots this spring,not knowing where
The petals may have fallen,are wet with dew.
7 木の下のしづくに濡れてさかさまに霞の衣着たる春かな Drenched by the fall from these trees, I mourn for a child
Who should in the natural order have mourned for me.
8 亡き人も思はざりけんうち捨てて夕べの霞君着たれとは I doubt that he who left us wished it so,
That you should wear the misty robes of evening.
9 うらめしや霞の衣たれ着よと春よりさきに花の散りけん Bitter, bitter—whom can he have meant
To wear the misty robes ere the advent of spring?
10 ことならばならしの枝にならさなむ葉守の神のゆるしありきと By grace of the tree god let the branch so close
To the branch that withered be close to the branch that lives.
11 柏木に葉守の神はまさずとも人ならすべき宿の梢か There may not be a god protecting the oak.
Think not, even so, its branches of easy access.
