「夕霧(Evening Mist)」の和歌  

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 山里のあはれをそふるタ霧に立ち出でん空もなき心ちして An evening mist—how shall I find my way?—
Makes sadder yet a lonely mountain village.
2 山がつのまがきをこめて立つ霧も心そらなる人はとじめず The mists which enshroud this rustic mountain fence
Concern him only who is loathe to go.
3 われのみやうき世を知れるためしにて濡れそふ袖の名を朽たすべき Weeping and weeping, paraded before the world,
The one and only model of haplessness?
4 大方はわれ濡れ衣を着せずとも朽ちにし袖の名やは隠るゝ Had I not come inspiring all these tears,
The world would not have noticed your misfortunes?
5 おぎはらや軒端の露にそぼちつゝ八重立つ霧を分けぞゆくべき Wet by dew-laden reeds beneath your eaves,
I now push forth into the eightfold mists?
6 分けゆかむ草葉の露をかことにてなを濡れ衣をかけんとや思ふ Because these dewy grasses wet your sleeves
I too shall have wet sleeves-is that your meaning?
7 たましいをつれなき袖にとゞめをきてわが心からまどはるゝかな My heart is there in the sleeve of an unkind lady,
Quite without my guidance. I am helpless.
8 せくからに浅さぞ見えん山河の流れての名をつゝみはてずは Shallow it is, for all these efforts to dam it.
You cannot dam and conceal so famous a flow.
9 女郎花しほるゝ野辺をいづことて一夜ばかりの宿を借りけむ You stay a single night. It means no more,
This field of sadly fading maiden flowers?
10 秋の野の草のしげみは分けしかどかり寝の枕むすびやはせし Although I made my way through thick autumn grasses,
I wove no pillow of grass for vagrant sleep.
11 あはれをもいかに知りてかなぐさめむあるや恋しき亡きやかなしき Which emotion demands my sympathy,
Grief for the one or longing for the other?
12 いづれとか分きてながめん消えかへる露も草葉の上と見ぬ世を I do not know the answer to your question.
The dew does not rest long upon the leaves.
13 里とをみ小野の篠原わけて来てわれもしかこそ声もおしまね I push my way through tangled groves to Ono.
Shall my laments, O stag, be softer than yours?
14 藤衣露けき秋の山人は鹿の鳴く音に音をぞそへつる Dew-drenched wisteria robes* in autumn mountains.
Sobs to join the baying of the stag.
15 見し人の影すみはてぬ池水にひとり宿もる秋の夜の月 No shadows now of them whom once I knew.
Only the autumn moon to guard the waters.
16 いつとかはおどろかすべき明けぬ夜の夢さめてとか言ひしひとこと Waking from the dream of an endless night
You said—and when may I pay my visit?
17 朝タになく音をたつる小野山はたえぬ涙やをとなしの滝 Morning and night, laments sound over Mount Ono
And Silent Waterfall—a flow of tears?
18 のぼりにし峰の煙にたちまじり思はぬ方になびかずもがな My choice would be to rise with the smoke from the peaks,
Which might perhaps not go in a false direction.
19 恋しさのなぐさめがたきかたみにて涙にくもる玉の箱かな A small bejeweled box, now wet with tears,
To help me remember and seek elusive solace.
20 うらみわび胸あきがたき冬の夜にまた鎖しまさる関の岩門 My sorrows linger as the winter night.
The stony barrier gate is as slow to open.
21 なるゝ身をうらむるよりは松島のあまの衣にたちやかへまし I do not complain that I am used and rejected.
Let me but go and join them at Matsushima.
22 松島のあまの濡衣なれぬとて脱ぎかへつてふ名を立ためやは Robes of Matsushima, soggy and worn,
For even them you may be held to account.
23 ちぎりあれや君を心にとゞめをきてあはれと思ふうらめしと聞く A bond from another life yet holds us together?
Fond thoughts I have, disquieting reports.
24 なにゆへか世に数ならぬ身ひとつをうしとも思ひかなしとも聞く Disquieting reports, resentful thoughts—
Of one who does not matter in the least?
25 数ならば身に知られまし世のうさを人のためにも濡らす袖かな The gloom I would know were I among those who matter
I see from afar. I weep in sympathy.
26 人の世のうきをあはれと見しかども身にかへんとは思はざりしを Many unhappy marriages I have seen,
And never felt them as I feel my own.
