「橋姫(The Lady at the Bridge)」の和歌

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 うち捨ててつがひさりにし水鳥のかりのこの世にたちおくれけん She has left behind her mate, and these nestlings too.
Why have they lingered in this uncertain world?
2 いかでかく巣立ちけるぞと思ふにもうき水鳥の契をぞ知る I know now, as I see it leave the nest,
How uncertain is the lot of the waterfowl.
3 なくなくも羽うち着する君なくは我ぞ巣守になりははてまし Unsheltered by the wing of the grieving father,
The nestling would surely have perished in the nest.
4 見し人も宿もけぶりになりにしをなにとて我身消え残りけん She who was with me, the roof above are smoke.
And why must I alone remain behind?
5 世をいとふ心は山にかよへども八重立つ雲を君やへだつる Wearily, my soul goes off to your mountains,
And cloud upon circling cloud holds my person back?
6 あとたえて心すむとはなけれども世をうぢ山に宿をこそかれ I am not as free as I seem. Prom the gloom of the world
I retreat only briefly to the Hill of Gloom.
7 山おろしにたえぬ木の葉の露よりもあやなくもろき我涙かな From leaves that cannot withstand the mountain wind
The dew is falling. My tears fall yet more freely.
8 あさぼらけ家路も見えずたづね来し槙の尾山は霧こめてけり In the dawn I cannot see the path I took
To find Oyama of the Pines in mist.
9 雲のゐる嶺のかけ路を秋霧のいとゞ隔つるころにもあるかな Our mountain path, enshrouded whatever the season,
Is now closed off by the deeper mist of autumn.
10 橋姫の心をくみて高瀬さすさほのしづくに袖ぞぬれぬる Wet are my sleeves as the oars that work these shallows
For my heart knows the heart of the lady at the bridge.
11 さしかへる宇治の河おさ朝夕のしづくや袖をくたしはつらむ With sodden sleeves the boatman plies the river.
So too these sleeves of mine, at mom, at night.
12 目の前にこの世をそむく君よりもよそにわかるゝ玉ぞかなしき Sad are you, who have turned away from the world,
But sadder still my soul, taking leave of you.
13 命あらばそれとも見まし人知れぬ岩根にとめし松の生い末 Had we but life, we could watch it, ever taller,
The seedling pine unseen among the rocks.

※3首目 池田本、肖柏本、三條西家本「なりははてましーなるへかりける
河内本 「なるへかりける」
別本系 「なるへかりける」
