「宿木(The Ivy)」の和歌

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 世のつねの垣根ににほふ花ならばこころのままにおりて見ましを If I had found it at a common hedge,
I might have plucked it quite to suit my fancy.
2 霜にあへず枯れにし園の菊なれど残りの色はあせずもある哉 A single chrysanthemum, left in a withered garden,
Withstands the frost, its color yet unfaded.
3 今朝のまの色にやめでんをく露の消えぬにかゝる花と見る見る It lasts, I know, but as long as the dew upon it.
Yet am I drawn to the hue that fades with the morning.
4 よそへてぞ見るべかりける白露のちぎりかをきし朝顔の花 Should I have taken the proffered morning glory
With the silver dew the blessing, still upon it?
5 消えぬまに枯れぬる花のはかなさにをくるゝ露は猶ぞまされる Forlorn the flower that fades with the dew upon it.
Yet more forlorn the dew that is left behind.
6 おほ空の月だにやどるわが宿に待よひすぎて見えぬ君かな Even the moon deigns to come to this dwelling of mine.
The night draws on, we await a sign of you.
7 山里の松のかげにもかくばかり身にしむ秋の風はなかりき Never, beneath the pines of that mountain village,
Did I know the autumn winds to lash at me so.
8 をみなへししほれぞまさる朝露のいかにをきける名残なるらん It droops, the maiden flower, as never before.
The dew this morning has left it all too swiftly.
9 大かたに聞かましものを日ぐらしの声うらめしき秋のくれ哉 My sorrows would have their limits, were I yet there.
The locust's call this autumn eve—I hate it!
10 うちわたし世にゆるしなき関川をみなれそめけん名こそおしけれ Clandestine my rendezvous at Barrier River.
No good this sudden departure will do for my name.
11 深からずうへは見ゆれど関川のしたのかよひばたゆる物かは Viewed from above, its waters may seem shallow.
But deep is Barrier River, its flow unceasing.
12 いたづらに分けつる道の露しげみむかしおぼゆる秋の空哉 An autumn sky, to remind me of days of old:
I made my way in vain down a dew-drenched path.
13 また人になれける紬の移り香をわが身にしめてうらみつる哉 Most friendly it was of him to give to your sleeve
The scent that maddens, sinks into the bones.
14 みなれぬる中の衣とたのしをかばかりにてやかけはなれなん The familiar robe has been a source of comfort.
And now, for cause so paltry, must I lose it?
15 むすびける契ことなる下紐をたゞひとすぢにうらみやはする I shall not go on always and always resenting
The cord that now has bound you to another.
16 やどりきと思ひ出でずは木のもとの旅寝もいかにさびしからまし Memories of nights beneath the ivy
Bring comfort to the traveler's lonely sleep.
17 荒れはつる朽木のもとをやどりきと思ひをきける程のかなしさ Sad must be the memory of lodging
Beneath this rotting ivy-covered tree.
18 穂に出でぬもの思ふらししのすゝき招くたもとの露しげくして The autumn grass is keeping something back.
Beneath the dew, it beckons and it beckons.
19 秋はつる野辺のけしきもしのすゝきほのめく風につけてこそ知れ Weakly, weakly the wind glides over the grasses.
One knows that the moor is at the end of autumn.
20 すべらきのかざしにおると藤の花をよばぬ枝に袖かけてけり Wisteria, thought I, to grace the august bonnet;
And my sleeve has caught upon a high, high branch.
21 よろづ世をかけてにほはん花なればけふをもあかぬ色とこそみれ Its fragrance shall last through all the centuries.
We shall not then be weary of it today.
22 君がためおれるかざしは紫の雲にをとらぬ花のけしきか The wisteria spray that graces the august bonnet
Competes with the purple clouds of paradise.
23 世のつねの色ともみえず雲居までたちのぼりたる藤浪の花 It sends its cascade of flowers to the loftiest heights.
Of a most uncommon hue is this wisteria.
24 かほ鳥の声も聞しにかよふやとしげみを分けてけふぞ尋ぬる I had heard the call of that strange and lovely bird,
And parted the grasses, hoping to find its kin.

14首目 「たのめしを」 横山本、池田本、肖柏本、三條西家本 「たのみしを」
「たのめしを」 河内本 「たのみしを」
「たのめしを」 別本 「たのみしを」
