「夕顔(Evening Faces)」の和歌

和 歌 口語訳 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 心あてにそれかとぞ見る白露の光添へたる夕顔の花 I think I need not ask whose face it is,
So bright, this evening face, in the shining dew.
2 寄りてこそそれかとも見めたそかれにほのぼの見つる花の夕顔 Come a bit nearer, please. Then might you know
Whose was the evening face so dim in the twilight.
3 咲花にうつるてふ名はつつめどもおらで過ぎうきけさの朝顔 Though loath to be taxed with seeking fresher blooms,
I feel impelled to pluck this morning glory.
4 朝霧の晴れ間も待たぬけしきにて花に心をとめぬとぞ見る In haste to plunge into the morning mists,
You seem to have no heart for the blossoms here.
5 優婆塞が行ふ道をしるべにて来む世も深き契たがふな This pious one shall lead us on our way
As we plight our troth for all the lives to come.
6 先の世の契知らるる身のうさに行く末かねて頼みがたさよ So heavy the burden I bring with me from the past,
I doubt that I should make these vows for the future.
7 いにしへもかくやは人のまどひけん我まだ知らぬ篠の目の道 And did it confuse them too, the men of old,
This road through the dawn, for me so new and strange?
8 山の端の心も知らでゆく月はうはの空にて影や絶えなむ And is the moon, unsure of the hills it approaches,
Foredoomed to lose its way in the empty skies?
9 夕露に紐とく花は玉鉾のたよりに見えしえにこそありけれ Because of one chance meeting by the wayside
The flower now opens in the evening dew.
10 光ありと見し夕顔のうは露はたそかれ時のそら目なりけり The face seemed quite to shine in the evening dew,
But I was dazzled by the evening light.
11 見し人の煙を雲とながむれば夕べの空もむつましきかな One sees the clouds as smoke that rose from the pyre,
And suddenly the evening sky seems nearer.
12 問はぬをもなどかと問はでほど経るにいかばかりかは思ひ乱るる Time goes by, you ask not why I ask not.
Think if you will how lonely a life is mine.
13 空蝉の世はうき物と知りにしをまた言の葉にかかる命よ Hollow though it was, the shell of the locust
Gave me strength to face a gloomy world.
14 ほのかにも軒端の萩を結ばずは露のかことを何にかけまし I bound them loosely, the reeds beneath the eaves,
And reprove them now for having come undone.
15 ほのめかす風につけても下萩のなかばは霜に結ぼほれつつ The wind brings words, all softly, to the reed,
And the under leaves are nipped again by the frost.
16 泣く泣くもけふはわが結ふ下紐をいづれの世にかとけて見るべき I weep and weep as today I tie this cord.
It will be untied in an unknown world to come.
17 逢ふまでの形見ばかりと見しほどにひたすら袖の朽ちにけるかな A keepsake till we meet again,I had hoped,
And see,my tears have rotted the sleeves away.
18 蝉の羽もたちかへてける夏衣かへすを見ても音は泣かれけり Autumn comes, the wings of the locust are shed.
A summer robe returns, and I weep aloud.
19 過ぎにしもけふ別るるも二道に行くかた知らぬ秋の暮かな The one has gone, to the other I say farewell.
They go their unknown ways. The end of autumn.
