「手習(At Writing Practice)」の和歌

和 歌 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 身を投げし涙の河のはやき瀬をしがらみかけて誰かとゞめし
Into a torrent of tears I flung myself,
And who put up the sluice that held me back?
2 われかくてうき世の中にめぐるとも誰かは知らむ月の都に Who in the city, now bathed in the light of the moon,
Will know that I yet drift on through the gloomy world?
3 あだし野の風になびくな女郎花われしめ結はん道遠くとも O maiden flower, bend not to Adashino's gales.
I came the long road to make for you a windbreak.
4 うつしうへて思みだれぬ女郎花うき世をそむく草の庵に We have brought the maiden flower to a hut of grass
Away from the world, and yet the world torments it.
5 松虫の声をたづねて来つれどもまた萩原の露にまどひぬ 'I wait,' said the voice from the pines; and I have come
And find myself wandering lost through dew-drenched reeds.
6 秋の野の露わけきたる狩衣むぐらしげれる宿にかこつな Though the dew on the autumn moors may have wet your sleeves,
You do wrong, O hunter to blame our weed-grown lodgings.
7 ふかき夜の月をあはれと見ぬ人や山の端ちかき宿にとまらぬ A stranger to the late-night moon in its glory
That he now disdains our house at the mountain ridge?
8 山の端に入まで月をながめ見んねやの板間もしるしありやと I shall watch till the moon goes behind the mountain ridge,
To see how it slips through the boards that roof your chamber.
9 忘られぬ昔のことも笛竹のつらきふしにも音ぞ泣かれける Ancient things came back, I wept aloud
At koto and flute and a lady's haughty ways.
10 笛の音に昔のこともしのばれてかへりし程も袖ぞぬれにし With the voice of your flute came thoughts of long ago,
And tears wet my sleeve, and sped you on your way.
11 はかなくて世にふる河のうき瀬には尋もゆかじ二本の杉 On shoals unsought, I ask no further view
Of cedars twain beside that ancient river.
12 ふる河の杉の本だち知らねども過にし人によそへてぞ見る I know not the roots of the tree by the ancient river,
But it takes the place, for me. of one now gone.
13 心には秋の夕をわかねどもながむる袖に露ぞみだるゝ  該当部分なし
14 山里の秋の夜ふかきあはれをももの思ふ人はこそ知れ In a mountain village, deep in the autumn night,
A lady who understands should understand.
15 憂物と思もしらですぐす身を物おもふ人と人は知りけり The gloom of the world has been no part of my life,
And how shall you call me one who understands?
16 亡きものに身をも人をも思つゝ捨てし世をぞさらに捨てつる A world I once renounced, for they and I
Had come to nothing, I now renounce again,
17 かぎりぞと思なりにし世間を返返もそむきぬるかな I thought that I should see the world no more,
And now, once more, 'no more' is my resolve.
18 岸遠く漕はなるらむあま舟に乗をくれじといそがるゝかな Make haste, make haste, lest I be left behind.
The fisher boat even now rows far from the shore.
19 心こそうき世の岸をはなるれど行ゑも知らぬあまのうき木を My soul may have left the shores of this gloomy world.
But on driftwood it floats, who knows to what far shore?
20 木枯の吹にし山のふもとには立かくすべきかげだにぞなき Harsh the winds that come down these mountain slopes.
Our trees are bare. They give not shade or shelter.
21 待人もあらじとおもふ山里の梢を見つゝ猶ぞ過うき Mountain trees, I know, where none awaits me;
And yet I cannot easily pass them by.
22 大かたの世を背きける君なれど厭ふによせて身こそつらけれ You have chosen to turn your back upon the world.
It pains me to think that I have been the occasion.
23 かきくらす野山の雪をながめてもふりにしことぞけふもかなしき I gaze at snow that swirls over mountain and moor,
And things long gone have still the power to sadden.
24 山里の雪間の若菜つみばやし猶おいさきの頼まるゝかな Their prize these shoots that break through the mountain snows.
My joy the abundant years you have before you.
25 雪ふかき野辺の若菜も今よりは君がためにぞ年もつむべき On drifted moors I shall gather early shoots.
May years of your life add to years, as snow upon snow.
26 袖ふれし人こそ見えね花の香のそれかとにほふ春の明ぼの He whose sleeve brushed mine is here no more,
And yet is here in the scent of the dawning of spring.
27 見し人は影もとまらぬ水の上に落そふ涙いとゞせきあへず I cannot halt the tears that join the flow
Of waters that gave her image, and do so no more.
28 尼衣かはれる身にやありし世のかたみに袖をかけてしのばん Shall I, having taken the habit of the nun,
Now change to robes of remembrance, think of the past?
