「紅葉賀(An Autumn Excursion)」の和歌

和 歌 口語訳 サイデンステッカーさんの英訳
1 もの思ふにたち舞ふべくもあらぬ身の袖うちふりし心知りきや Through the waving, dancing sleeves could you see a heart
So stormy that it wished but to be still?"
2 から人の袖ふることはとをけれど立ちゐにつけてあはれとは見き Of waving Chinese sleeves I cannot speak.
Each step, each motion, touched me to the heart.
3 いかさまにむかし結べるちぎりにてこの世にかかる中のへだてぞ What legacy do we bring from former lives
That loneliness should be our lot in this one?
4 見ても思ふ見ぬはたいかに嘆くらむこや世の人のまどふてふ闇 Sad at seeing the child, sad at not seeing.
The heart of the father, the mother, lost in darkness.
5 よそへつつ見るに心はなぐさまで露けさまさるなでしこの花 It resembles you. I think, this wild carnation,
Weighted with my tears as with the dew.
6 袖ぬるる露のゆかりと思ふにも猶うとまれぬやまとなでしこ It serves you ill, the Japanese carnation,
To make you weep. Yet I shall not forsake it.
7 君し来ば手なれの駒に刈り餌はむさかりすぎたる下葉なりとも Sere and withered though these grasses be,
They are ready for your pony, should you come.
8 笹分けば人やとがめむいつとなく駒なつくめる森の木がくれ Were mine to part the low bamboo at your grove,
It would fear to be driven away by other ponies.
9 立ち濡るる人しもあらじ東屋にうたてもかかる雨そそきかな No one waits in the rain at my eastern cottage.
Wet are the sleeves of the one who waits within.
10 人妻はあなわづらはし東屋の真屋のあまりもなれじとぞ思ふ On closer terms with the eaves of your eastern cottage
I would not be, for someone is there before me.
11 つつむめる名やもり出でん引きかはしかくほころぶる中の衣に Your fickle name so wants to be known to the world
That it bursts its way through this warmly disputed garment.
12 かくれなき物と知る知る夏衣きたるをうすき心とぞ見る You taunt me, sir, with being a spectacle
When you know full well that your own summer robes are showy.
13 うらみても言ふかひぞなき立かさね引きてかへりしなみのなごりに I need not comment now upon my feelengs.
The waves that came in together went out together,
14 あらだちし浪に心はさはがねど寄せけむ磯をいかがうらみぬ I shall not complain of the wave that came raging in,
But of the welcoming strand I must complain.
15 中絶えばかごとやおふとあやふさにはなだの帯をとりてだに見ず Not to be charged with having taken your take,
I return this belt of indigo undamaged.
16 君にかくひきとられぬる帯なればかくて絶えぬる中とかこたむ I doubted not that you took my indigo belt,
And charge you now with taking the lady too.
17 尽きもせぬ心の闇にくるるかな雲井に人を見るにつけても I see her disappear behind the clouds
And am left to grope my way through deepest darkness.

」と写しているのは「大成」によると「横山本」「肖柏本」「三条 西家本」「池田本」「榊原家本」別本系「陽明家本」である。従ってこの巻の大正大学写本は大島本とは異なる系統であることがわかる。
